How CalVCB Helps:
The CalVCB Can Help You Rebuild campaign highlights how CalVCB provides reimbursement for eligible crime-related expenses. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include but are not limited to:
- Medical, dental, or mental health services
- Lost income
- Funeral or burial expenses
- Relocation and home security expenses
Last year, CalVCB provided nearly 30,000 victims with more than $44 million in assistance. CalVCB provides assistance in multiple languages to diverse communities across California. Online resources are available in English and Spanish, and help is available via the phone in nine languages.
In most cases, victims have up to seven years to apply for benefits. After initial approval, benefits are lifelong. If you or someone you know was a victim of a violent crime, learn more and apply today.
“How Would You Help?”:
CalVCB launched this campaign to coincide with National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). This year’s theme is “How Would You Help?” As part of developing this campaign we learned that friends and family members are trusted messengers. If you know someone who was the victim of a violent crime, please let them know that CalVCB can help them rebuild their lives by paying for certain expenses.
Campaign Materials:
Recommendations for Media Reporting on Violent Crime
CalVCB helps victims of violent crime rebuild their lives by reimbursing them for costs associated with the crimes. Where appropriate, CalVCB encourages media to:
- Include the recovery process in crime related reporting to provide hope and build community resilience – particularly as it relates to large-scale incidents, such as mass violence events.
- Include references to rebuilding and recovery resources in crime reporting.
- End relevant stories with this awareness-building statement:
“If you or someone you know has been the victim of a violent crime, financial assistance may be available to help you rebuild your life. Visit to learn more.”
For logos, images, and fact sheets please visit our our media toolkit here
Media Contact
Monique Langer, California Victim Compensation Board, 1 916-491-6400, [email protected],
Kim Coutts, Civilian Agency, 1 6199770988, [email protected]
SOURCE California Victim Compensation Board